Visit with the animals, Saturday February 15, 11-12:30


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Come out and visit with our sweet animals.  (Third Saturday of every month!)
Reservations are required!   Each group is no larger than 12 so you will have a lot of time and space to visit with the animals.
The tour includes:
  • Guided tours and face-to-face meetings with the animals (not behind a fence!): sheep, goats, cows, pigs, horse, donkey, llamas, alpacas.
  • See the bunny motel with its rabbit and chinchilla residents.
  • Check out our gift shop with hand-crafted items and Star Gazing Farm T-shirts, hoodies, and caps.
Gates will open at 10:45am.  Please allow time in advance of the start time to find the farm and park. We look forward to seeing you!
Donation of $10 per person.